Friday, February 19, 2010

The Ten Commandments

Few philosophies that I know I would never be able to follow – but, would never the less, try to imbibe someday soon, to the extent possible:-

1.       Never have any expectations from anyone/anything– it always ensure that you are not disappointed.

2.       Patience bears rich fruits.

3.       Sometimes it is essential to try and have a blank mind which is devoid of ANY thoughts.  - After all, Ignorance IS bliss.

4.       Never let your heart control your mind – it can be quite painful.

5.       Happiness does not last forever; Unhappiness does not either.

6.       It’s good to dream a lot. But it’s even better to be real.

7.       In the long run, most of the things that bother us today, does not even matter!!

8.       Do not lose sleep over a future event that may or may not happen.  Plan less, live more on impulse!!

9.       Care more for your own conscience and lesser for public opinion - not all of them deserve the kind of attention they usually get!

10.   Atleast once in a while, take the road less travelled and proceed without a destination...Exploring newer avenues often surprises pleasantly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice observations :)