Sunday, August 01, 2010

What day is it today??

Well, its ‘Friendship Day’.

Its a debate thats often heard in many circles. Are special days important to reiterate how special a person or a relationship is to you?. Or, are such days mere marketing gimmicks by the Archies and Odysseys of the world who come up with such irresistible and innovative gifts that we almost in all cases land up giving in to the splurging temptation.

I have always been the types who attaches significance to all those surprise wishes,  the 12 am calling up and wishing and remembering special occasions and days to celebrate.  After all, whats life without such special moments and thoughts.  Also, considering the quantum of people who hardly express their feelings on other normal, routine days, such days are a definite plus to celebrate that person in their lives. It need not be any material gifts - it could just be a remembrance of special moments or events in your relationship that shows how much u have evolved with him/her.

The downside is that, for every such rationale there is always a counter as to why do we need that one special day to celebrate our relationships. This argument is more prominent during Valentines when almost the entire world goes bonkers finding out nice, cutesy ways of expressing their love for their dear ones and there is this one section of the universe arguing on what exactly is love and why do we need to reiterate it on just that one day of the year!!

However, me being me, today, I remember all my friends during various phases of my life – childhood days, school, college, work. Friendship is such a wonderful and positive feeling – it is the only relationship in which u give so much to a person selflessly despite not being blood related to him (and vice versa). Its also probably the loosely understood word after ‘love’ - thankfully, I have made a clear distinction between an ‘acquaintance’ and ‘friend’; which is why I have a few friends and several acquaintances.

Be that as it may, thanks to social networking, I am still in touch with most of my friends and acquaintances across various corners of the globe.  So, heres to all my virtual and real friends/acquaintances - Happy Friendship Day, Folks!! J

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